Victor Borge in Concert, Grand Hall Wembly (Part 3 of 5)

Victor Borge in Concert at Grand Hall Wembly with Wren Orchestra from early 1980s (1983 I believe). Very funny guy and performance if you haven’t seen this before.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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6 Responses to Victor Borge in Concert, Grand Hall Wembly (Part 3 of 5)

  1. lejaprincess says:

    “How many conductors does it take to change a lightbulb?” No one knows, no one is ever watching…

  2. steinwaygrande1 says:

    Its actually called Dance Of The Comedians. Entry of the Gladiators is no where near this piece of music. never heard of Thunder and Blazes, but Thunder And Lighning – which is a polka

  3. freichris says:

    entry of the gladiators by julius fucik

  4. John19182004 says:

    why does no audience ever get the “i play much better by ear!” joke !!! no one ever laughs and it’ hysterical!! [[as in “I play better by ear than ass” but he doesn’t want to come out and say it!]]

  5. atrain118 says:

    Thunder and Blazes or Entry of the Gladiator. I’ve heard it called both.

  6. frigoh says:

    the piece starting roughly at 07:35 … how’s it called? who wrote it?

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