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height: 44px; width: 580px;" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 230px; vertical-align: top;"> <table style="text-align: left; width: 450px;" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <h2>Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock – It Takes Two – Lyrics</h2> <p>—<br /> <iframe loading="lazy" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Jf_LizgLvT0" frameborder="0" width="450" height="350"></iframe><br /> —</p> <p>It takes two to make a thing go right</p> <p>It takes two to make it outta sight<br /> Hit it!</p> <p>I wanna rock right now<br /> I’m Rob Base and I came to get down<br /> I’m not internationally known<br /> But I’m known to rock the microphone<br /> Because I get stoopid, I mean outrageous<br /> Stay away from me if you’re contagious<br /> ‘Cause I’m the winner, no, I’m not the loser<br /> To be an M.C. is what I choose ‘a<br /> Ladies love me, girls adore me<br /> I mean even the ones who never saw me<br /> Like the way that I rhyme at a show<br /> The reason why, man, I don’t know<br /> So let’s go, ’cause</p> <p>It takes two to make a thing go right<br /> It takes two to make it outta sight<br /> Hit it!</p> <p>My name is Rob, I gotta real funky concept<br /> Listen up, ’cause I’m gonna keep you in step<br /> I got an idea<br /> That I wanna share<br /> You don’t like it? So what, I don’t care<br /> I’m number one, the uno, I like comp<br /> Bring all the suckers ’cause all them I’ll stomp<br /> Bold and black but I won’t protect<br /> All of my followers ’cause all I want is respect<br /> I’m not a doctor, put them in rapture<br /> A slick brother that can easy outfox ya<br /> Cause I’m Rob, the last name Base, yeah<br /> And on the mike, I’m known to be the freshest<br /> So let’s start, it shouldn’t be too hard<br /> I’m not a sucker so I don’t need a bodyguard<br /> I won’t fess, wear a bulletproof vest<br /> Don’t smoke buddha, can’t stand sess, yes</p> <p>It takes two to make a thing go right<br /> It takes two to make it outta sight<br /> Hit it!</p> <p>The situation that the Base is in<br /> I’m kinda stingy that’s why I don’t wanna lend<br /> A funky rhyme to a foe or a good friend<br /> But listen up ’cause I want you to comprehend<br /> ‘Cause I’m the leader, the man superior<br /> I take care of ya and then ya get wearier<br /> So just sit, my rhymes arenot counterfeit<br /> The record sells which makes this one a hit<br /> It won’t hurt to listen to Red Alert<br /> Take off your shirt<br /> Make sure it don’t hit the dirt<br /> I like the kids–the guys, the girls<br /> I want the ducats ’cause this is Rob Base’s world<br /> I’m on a mission, ya better just listen<br /> To my rhymes ’cause I’m all about dissin’<br /> ‘Cause</p> <p>It takes two to make a thing go right<br /> It takes two to make it outta sight<br /> Hit it!</p> <p>I stand alone, don’t need anyone<br /> ‘Cause I’m Rob, just came ot have fun<br /> Don’t need friends that act like foes<br /> ‘Cause I’m Rob Base, the one who knows<br /> About things that make ya get weary<br /> Don’t cheer me, just hear me<br /> Out ’cause I got the clout–shout (Ho!)<br /> Before I turn the party out<br /> I won’t stutter–<br /> Project my voice, speak clearly<br /> So you can be my choice<br /> On stage or on record<br /> Go to the Wiz and select it<br /> Take it off the rack, if it’s wack put it back<br /> I like the Whopper, fuck the Big Mac<br /> If you want static, so let’s go<br /> So, throw upyour hands<br /> Go for what you know<br /> Bro’, I got an ego<br /> Yo, talkin’ to me? No<br /> Oh<br /> ‘Cause Rob is in the front, EZ Rock is on the Back up<br /> We’re not soft, soyou better just slack up<br /> ‘Cause I’m cool, calm just like a breeze<br /> Rock the mike with the help of EZ<br /> Rock on the set, the music plays<br /> Only cuts the records that I say</p> <p>It takes two to make a thing go right<br /> It takes two to make it outta sight<br /> Hit it!</p> <p>All right, now, EZ Rock<br /> now, when I count to three<br /> I want you ot get busy<br /> You ready now?<br /> One, two, three, get loose now!</p> <p>It takes two to make a thing go right<br /> It takes two to make it outta sight<br /> Hit it!</p> <p> </p> <h2>Dance: It takes two to make a thing go right</h2> <p>—<br /> <iframe loading="lazy" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Mzk2NI_NccU" frameborder="0" width="450" height="350"></iframe><br /> —</p> <h2></h2> <h2>Seduction – It Takes Two</h2> <p>—<br /> <iframe loading="lazy" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WPtzAL-gzCc" frameborder="0" width="450" height="350"></iframe><br /> —</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>Nick Naggar</strong>, publisher, is a contributing editor at</span><br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;"> <a title="Roxy Articles" href="http://roxy-publishing.com/" target="_blank">Roxy-Publishing.com</a> – <a title="Tech" href="http://roxytech.com/" target="_blank">RoxyTech.com</a> – <a title="Health" href="http://www.roxy-health.com/" target="_blank">Roxy-Health.com</a> – <a title="igiftsworld.com" href="http://igiftsworld.com/homew/" target="_blank">iGiftsWORLD.com</a></span><br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;"> .</span><br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;"> Read, subscribe, share on your favorite social websites & enjoy.</span></td> <td style="width: 130px; 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