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		<title>Seth Meyers Destroys Donald Trump @ White House Correspondents Dinner 5/1/2011</title>
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		<pubDate>Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:20:26 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[  &#8212; &#8212; Uploaded by Gayfurry77777 on May 3, 2011 Saturday Night Live&#8217;s Seth Meyers hosted the star-studded White House Correspondents&#8217; Association Dinner Saturday night, and he wasted no time in roasting Donald Trump and other controversial media figures. The &#8230; <a href="https://nicknaggar.com/barack-hussein-obama-ii-usa-president/seth-meyers-destroys-donald-trump-white-house-correspondents-dinner-512011/">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
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<p id="watch-uploader-info">Uploaded by <a dir="ltr" href="http://www.youtube.com/user/Gayfurry77777" rel="author" target="_blank">Gayfurry77777</a> on May 3, 2011</p>
<div id="watch-description-text">
<p id="eow-description">Saturday Night Live&#8217;s Seth Meyers hosted the star-studded White House Correspondents&#8217; Association Dinner Saturday night, and he wasted no time in roasting Donald Trump and other controversial media figures.<br />
The &#8220;SNL&#8221; head writer also takes digs at the royal wedding, Katie Couric and the Republican presidential candidates during the White House Correspondents Dinner&#8230;.<br />
Below, his best moments:<br />
1. On Trump&#8217;s presidential candidacy: &#8220;Donald Trump said that he was running for president as a Republican. That&#8217;s funny, because I thought he was running as a joke.&#8221;<br />
2. On Trump&#8217;s hair: &#8220;Donald Trump often appears on Fox, which is ironic because a fox often appears on Donald Trump&#8217;s head. If you&#8217;re at the Washington Post table with Trump and you can&#8217;t finish your entree, don&#8217;t worry, the fox will eat it.&#8221;<br />
3. On Trump&#8217;s accent: &#8220;I like that Trump is filthy rich but nobody told his accent. His whole life is models and gold leaf and marble columns but he still sounds like a know-it-all down at the O.T.B.&#8221;<br />
4. On Sarah Palin: &#8220;Donald Trump owns the Miss USA pageant, which is great for Republicans because it will streamline their search for vice president.&#8221;<br />
5. On the royal wedding: &#8220;As I was watching the festivities I couldn&#8217;t help thinking how wonderful it is to live in a country where people don&#8217;t have to wear hats like that.&#8221;<br />
6. On the Republican presidential candidates: &#8220;Just look at the options Republicans are kicking around: Palin. Huckabee. Gingrich. Trump. That doesn&#8217;t sound like a field of candidates &#8212; that sounds like season 13 of Dancing With The Stars. And not the stars &#8212; the dancers.&#8221;<br />
7. On departed CBS news anchor Katie Couric: &#8220;Katie [Couric] was known best for asking those tough questions, like &#8216;name a newspaper.&#8217; ********************************************************************<br />
Donald Trump Slammed by Stuttering Foundation After Seth Meyers Attack<br />
&#8220;Shame on you, Mr. Trump!&#8221; the group&#8217;s president says after Trump calls the host of the White House Correspondents Association dinner a &#8220;stutterer.&#8221;<br />
Add the Stuttering Foundation to the list of those upset with Donald Trump.<br />
The organization on Monday issued a statement slamming Trump&#8217;s use of the word &#8220;stutterer&#8221; as an insult aimed at Seth Meyers, host of Saturday&#8217;s White House Correspondents Association Dinner.<br />
&#8220;Shame on you, Mr. Trump!&#8221; said Jane Fraser, president of the Memphis, Tenn.-based group. &#8220;We at the Stuttering Foundation find it discouraging that in 2011, Donald Trump has chosen to use the word &#8216;stutterer&#8217; in a derogatory fashion, something to be made fun of, to describe Seth Meyers&#8217; speech at the annual White House Correspondents&#8217; dinner.&#8221; **************************************************************************</p>
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