Victor Borge — Träumerei

A musical legend of the 20th century ends a concert with panache and poignancy.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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23 Responses to Victor Borge — Träumerei

  1. tatetatunndayoooo says:


  2. ikumigaikeikeninaxtu says:


  3. redsilver87 says:

    That’s what Victor Borge was . He could play great piano , but he was also a great comedian , and that’s how he got famous .

  4. topperheartramada says:

    he ends up ruining half the stuff he plays though

  5. お金 お譲りします says:

    【】皆様にご相談があります…どなたかお金にお困りの方おりませんか?私は自分のお金の使い道に困っております。自分の諸事情なのですが…どなたか5,000,000円受け取って下さる方いらっしゃいませんか?どなたにでもお譲り致します。条件等は一切ございません。いきなりこんな所に書き込んでしまって失礼を承知の上ですが、どなたかに受け取って頂きたく思っております。受け取って頂けるという方は、こちらから【】か又は、youtube内の動画検索にて、『 本金譲 』で検索して頂きますと、受取人様の準備がととのい次第最短30分程でお受け取りになる事ができます。急な話で信じられないかもしれませんが、人生の転機は急に訪れるものです。お困りの方はご連絡の方お待ちしております。準備は出来ていますので本日中にでもお渡しできます。

  6. nosojdjos says:

    he’s playing fast in purpose

  7. Daniel Charry says:

    That one with the red tie was one of them. EPIC!

  8. cornycogwheels says:

    “…Because I walk in my sleep.”

  9. Charles Allen II says:

    Funny and lovely at the same time. Enjoyed the music too!

  10. fedgoe says:

    Victor Borge, a man to be admired for his profund sense of humanity. He had the grace of making us laugh to tears, or to amaze us with his wonderfull art.
    I will always remeber Mr. Borge, Wherever you are, all my respect and admiration.

  11. ChrissyFinne says:

    This video should been a piano concert.But the humour belongs in a showbuisness comedy show.

  12. chazzithebrit says:

    It’s Schumann you dweeb

  13. wschmrdr says:

    You don’t like borrowed time? I’m sure Schubert won’t complain, he’s been dead for 200 years.

  14. Marc De La Cruz says:

    Man, Victor Borge is one of a kind and we will never see another like him again. Rest in peace Victor Borge. God Bless You

  15. Peter Krska says:

    He said stupid page turner…. LOL!

  16. KyndalSarah says:

    And stop saying hes doing it wrong and bad and terrible DOUCHEBAGS! It is a comedy show, you’re not supposed to take it seriously, idiots.

  17. KyndalSarah says:

    He is a true comedian. No swearing or vulgarity. So genius that he would never need that.

  18. Marymerch says:

    Disgusting…such a nice music played with NO feel.

  19. uberzeldamaster says:

    I love this man. His ability to play and make jokes at the same time is both astounding and hilarious.

    ‘I have four more like him.’ Genius.

  20. steinwaygrande1 says:

    Who cares about the tempo. Mr Borge has free license to do what ever he wants with any pice of music

  21. steinwaygrande1 says:

    Had the honour of seeing him in London, South Africa in the 1960s, and in Australia two months before he died. One of the greatest gifts to the human race. He never resorted to having to swear or be vulgar to entertain. Thats the mark of a true gentleman and a great comedian.

  22. scuba417 says:

    one of his sons was very musical and HIS son (Borge’s grandson) is studying Piano at Peabody Conservatory.

  23. BBoyPure says:

    it doesnt always have to be steady.

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