Victor Borge – His Greatest Piano Jokes

Victor appears at 1:37 Please rate and comment! @ Dean Martin Show.. one of Borge’s most amusing perfomances inc. his “Moonlight Sonata”, “The Blue Danube” and “The William Tell Overture” (in reverse) I do not own any copyright of this video

Victor Borge again. Enjoy!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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32 Responses to Victor Borge – His Greatest Piano Jokes

  1. 宝くじ当選しました 当選金の一億お譲りします says:


  2. jongleurette says:

    “The Baldwin piano company has asked me to announce that this is a Steinway.” lol hliarious. (I’ve hardly seen a piano without the nameplate on the front or side..”

  3. Monkeyspankerelite says:

    Damn, Dino seems to be really drunk during this show, or is it just acting?

  4. 宝くじ当選しました 当選金欲しい方にあげます says:


  5. jgruen1066 says:

    What a combination of talent he displays! Did somebody finally explain the 3rd pedal joke for somebody below?

  6. johnny102marvin says:

    If there are 3 pedals, then does Victor Borge have a third leg? “What kind of person do they think I am?”  is what he said. A man’s third leg can be interpreted as ……..

  7. Tubetopfan1 says:

    I always thought the third pedal on a piano was the clutch.

  8. indiandude786 says:

    can someone explain the 3 pedals joke?

  9. Colin Dillon says:

    Great the best.

  10. cinemalego says:

    Playing something incorrectly is easy, but playing something incorrectly correctly is something only Borge can do!

  11. glennfordfan says:

    oh to be in his arms

  12. imanoob says:

    LOL at the pedal joke. He’s referring to how a third appendage is needed to play all three pedals – quite a long one at that.

  13. chaosligth says:

    the more west u go in this country the closer u get to far east

  14. donerlich says:

    The drunk act by Martin is exactly that…an act….he was never drunk on stage but he did drink.

  15. kismere says:

    that the piano is for a person with 3 legs. 😀

  16. janovlk says:

    How old is that show?

  17. jack002tuber says:

    What was ONJ gonna sing? That physical song?

  18. Julian24151 says:

    HAHAHAHAHA woowwwwwwwwwwwww

  19. AbdilainesBlackMagic says:

    there are three pedals, he only has two feet.

  20. Arthur Jones says:

    Actually,Chico was the pianist.Harpo,as his name implies,played the harp.

  21. Louise Holdersen says:

    It’s from a danish movie from 1937 called “Frk. Møllers Jubilæum”. It’s Victor Borges film debut.

  22. largolegato says:

    8 pianos, 2 hands~~

  23. scoRocs says:

    I thought Harpo was the pianist, not Groucho…

  24. Steve Robertson says:

    I think it’s from Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator, but I could be wrong

  25. stainglassfox says:

    i think i was this on PBS once….

  26. jewelain says:

    Is this from a movie or film?? Does anyone know cuz I must watch it!! 😮

  27. jdixon56 says:

    Victor Borge is amazing! Is there anyone out there with anywhere near his talent today? I’m so thankful to have him taped so we can watch him always.

  28. ElmaFudd2 says:

    He was the embodiment of a gentle comedy genius. His skills were so astounding and his comedy so funny – that he was a definate one of a kind.  I would’ve loved to have seen him live!

  29. artymowycz says:

    i think if it was fake he would have the decency to tell his audience. there is nothing more humiliating to a performer then to be recognized as a fake.

  30. turtleondope says:

    Thanks for sharing

  31. stupidvideos73 says:

    kinda sad to see him old now 🙁
    he was a great pianist and funny too

  32. meleth99 says:

    He looks kind of like Groucho Marx in this 😛 lol

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