Atlas vs Steak Restaurant’s 92 oz Man vs. Steak Challenge!!
(UK Tour 2015 – Day #6 / Challenge #5) Hey everybody! It’s day 6 of my 2015 European Tour and in this video I’m STEAK Restaurant in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Here I’ll be taking on their massive “Man vs Steak Beast Challenge! This giant 92 oz steak also comes with an additional five sides of your choice, making the challenge that much more difficult!
Not only was this the biggest steak challenge that I’ve ever attempted, but at the cost of £160 ($250) if I lost, it was also going to be the most expensive! STEAK Restaurant’s Man vs Steak Beast Challenge:
Pontiac Firebird TransAm Convertible RamAir -
320 HP 5.7L V8 LS1 engine -
0 to 130 under 11 seconds,
with co-pilot luggage and wild Germanshepherd.
Try to balance that on a "Harley", Yamaha or Kawasaki :-)
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